Friday, November 29, 2019

Three Vitures Of Self-Control, Moderation And Independent Thinking Ess

Three Vitures Of Self-Control, Moderation And Independent Thinking People possess many virtues. They can vary from person to person. Some of them are good and others aren't. The three best virtues to have would be self-control, moderation and independent thinking. Self-control is very important because with out it, there would be total anarchy. People would be doing whatever they want at any time that they would want. If someone wanted a necklace, they would just end up taking it from somewhere else. [If there was anarchy, the probably wouldn't be any stores.] If we all practice self-control, then there would be much less violence. The self-control would help us control our tempers. This is very good because people's tempers end up casing a lot of trouble and chaos. Personally, if I sought out more self-control at driving, I probably wouldn't have so much road rage. Then again, I have a bad temper to begin with. All in all, self-control is a must because it helps us of the less violence. Moderation is an important value because it helps one do a lot of things. Moderating your time is a good thing because then you understand and acknowledge that you have to do something in a certain amount of time. I don't have very good moderation when it comes to time because I am perhaps the worlds' worst procrastinator. I always put off big projects unless I can see a good reason to do them. Another reason why moderation is a good virtue is that it would also have an effect on less violence. Our world is a very violent world. If people took time to moderate, or survey the scene, they would see that their bad tempers, or attitudes, would be useless. Many people just rush into their tempers and rush into doing things. Moderation can help us because of the drug and alcohol problems. Moderation can help us see that these things are bad and should be left alone. Independent thinking betters society. It causes us to think for ourselves and come up with better thoughts. Thinking is something that everyone goes through and it helps us very, very much. If people thought for themselves, then they would have better mental health. It would cause us to have smarter people. We would have a nation of people thinking and doing things for themselves and the goodness for other people rather than following the crowd and just going along with whatever happens to be ?in? at the time. We are creatures of habit. As creatures of habit, we have developed a mindset that causes us to do what we learned, which is fine. But if people thought about what they were doing, independent thinking, then we would perhaps break the ?creature of habit? look. If we all had independent thinking, then what would be the next definition of ?normality Questions about life and other complex problems would be more thoroughly pursued. I try to think as indecently as I possibly can. Ma ny of the views I have, I developed thinking and observing the people around me. I have noticed that many people find it easier to follow trends rather than be comfortable with themselves. Trends are something that could make or break this society. The music and fashion takes advantage that people don't usually think for themselves and use this to their advantage. If people began to think for themselves, they see that the things they are doing are pretty stupid. I am not saying that every single thing that people do in a whole is dumb, but many of the things and music people listen to don't have good messages and don't help develop us. Bibliography None Philosophy

Monday, November 25, 2019

The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois

The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois Free Online Research Papers The roots of African American religious culture extend between Africa and the United States through the Trans-Atlantic slave trade that occurred during the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries. Religion was a reaction to the harsh conditions of slavery and an escape from the abuses of human trade. African American religious culture was an amalgamation of African and American customs, which blended in the most pragmatic fashion to accommodate the spiritual needs of the transplanted Africans. After the thirteenth amendment abolished slavery in 1865, African Americans continued with their religious practices and blacks were no longer property, but actual citizens. Being the pragmatic and dynamic force that it is, religion changed and served new purposes for African Americans. W.E.B. DuBois addressed the changes in his book The Souls of Black Folk. In it, he maintained that blacks operated on two separate levels of consciousness or a double consciousness as Africans and Americans. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this as â€Å"a condition which has been described as a double personality, showing in some measure two separate and independent trains of thought and two independent mental capabilities in the same individual† (Double consciousness). I posit tha t only way to deal with this dual state of being is through a religious identity and not through intellectual, social, or academic classifications. This research will identify DuBois’s call for a new religion to accommodate the African American state of being after Emancipation. Scholar Charles Long defies a definition for religion and determines that it is best described as a way to determine ones’ location in the world (Long 7). DuBois asserted that the sense of location was irrevocably disrupted by destroying the prospect of free human labor. Indirectly, this forced former oppressors to acknowledge blacks as a new class of people, and not property. The lack of location left slaves in a crisis of identity. People who were once considered property now had agency. Determining one’s â€Å"ultimate significance† was precarious in the midst of the economic and social upheaval. By the time DuBois wrote his essay about four decades later, former slaves continued to struggle economically and socially as policies in the South aimed against the very humanity of blacks. Changes prompted by Reconstruction left very little stability for the ex-slaves, because â€Å"Daily the Negro is coming more and more to look upon law and justice, not as protecting safeguards, but as sources of humiliation and oppression. The laws are made by men who have little interest in him; they are executed by men who have absolutely no motive for treating the black people with courtesy or consideration† (DuBois 198). Without political or financial stability, the state of the black union was precariously hanging on the opinions of bigoted Southerners who wanted to keep blacks oppressed. Nearly two millennia earlier, the Apostle Paul faced a similar predicament in reference to converting peoples whose entire state of mind had to change to accommodate a shifting world. In the Book of Acts Paul addresses a group of syncretic Greeks, who worshipped idols. Paul gave a speech about God’s presence in the Greek’s lives and the reality of creation, saying, â€Å"For in him we live and move and have our being† (Acts 17:28). Paul admonished the Greeks to rely on his god rather than the various idols that they worshipped. The god that Paul describes is a constant force that remains unchanged from creation up until the present. DuBois posed a similar argument in The Souls of Black Folk, saying â€Å"(African Americans) must perpetually discuss ‘The Negro Problem,’-must live, move, and have their being in it, and interpret all else in its light or darkness. With this come, too, peculiar problems of their inner life†¦All this must mean a time of intense ethical ferment, of religious heart-searching and intellectual unrest† (221). DuBois admonishes African Americans to acknowledge the constant in much the same way that Paul urged the Greeks in his speech to find â€Å"real† religion devoid of idols. DuBois points out a major factor in African American religious culture by recognizing the constant of split consciousness between their inherent beliefs and the European American consciousness of the ones around them. Accommodating change meant dealing with the constant of double consciousness and dealing with it. With this in mind, what does African American religious culture look like? How does it feel? How do we know when we have encountered it? A more definitive answer lies in material culture, such as arts and music. In â€Å"The Criteria of Negro Art,† which was written twenty-three years after Souls, DuBois calls on artists to define themselves and break from the constraints of Eurocentric notions of African inferiority. In some ways the ex-slaves were as if they had never left Africa in the eyes of the of their captors and oppressors. The newly emancipated nation of people would never be real Americans in the eyes of the European Americans who once enslaved them. African American religious culture is a response to the question â€Å"who am I?† Geographically displaced artists demonstrated answers to African American cultural and religious practices and embodied questions and answers in their artistic practices. Dubois’s â€Å"Criteria of Negro Art† influenced the Harlem Renaissance and such artists as Langston Hughes and Jacob Lawrence (DuBois). This period is crucial because it marks a shift when African American artists began to use double consciousness to expand on both African and American roots. Michael D. Harris pointed to a model that acknowledges the double consciousness that DuBois and his generation found so problematic (Harris 45). Harris notes further that artists, like Lawrence, made visits to Africa in order to bridge their understanding of the â€Å"African side† of their consciousness (Harris 45). Rather than advocating a rift and jettisoning the African for the American, artists then and now expand their knowledge of both sides of their consciousness. They learned canonical European practices and African practices that enriched their art in ways that created a solution to the â€Å"Negro problem.† The African roots of African American religious culture began in a hellacious state of existence. It was defined by tragedy and loss created by a slave trade that refused to acknowledge Africans as human beings. Their culture was denigrated and they were despised. DuBois in his impassioned essays urged African Americans to deny European deceptions of religion and false selfhood. The fact that DuBois places the term â€Å"Negro problem† in quotes, indicates his oxymoronic style of saying something in an ironic way by using two words to contradict each other. DuBois never considered himself a problem. Out of all of the issues of racism that existed for African Americans, DuBois notes it as a source of inspiration rather than a hindrance saying: â€Å"Such is the true and stirring stuff of which Romance is born and from this stuff come the stirrings of men who are beginning to remember that this kind of material is theirs: and this vital life of their own kind is beckoning them on† (DuBois). He never saw the state of the African American religious culture as a problem but rather a series of solutions. The Harlem Renaissance revealed solutions and they continue to unfold even now as African American artists respond to a dual consciousness by incorporating religious experiences of then and now, here and there. Bibliography Double consciousness. The Oxford English Dictionary (1989). DuBois, William Edward Burghardt. Criteria of Negro Art. The Crisis 32 (1926): 290-297. - . The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Farrington, Lisa E. Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. - . Reinventing Herself: The Black Female Nude. Womens Art Journal 24.2 (2003-2004): 15-23. Harris, Michael D. From Double Consciousness to Double Vision: The Africentric Artist. African Arts 27.2 (1994): 44-53, 94-95. Lemons, Gary L. Womanism in the Name of the Father W.E.B. DuBois and the Problematics of Race, Patriarchy, and Art. Phylon 49.3 (2001): 185-202. Long, Charles H. Religion, Discourse, and Hermeneutics: New Approaches in the Study of Religion. (n.d.): 1-26. - . Significations. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986. Owen-Workman, Michelle A. and Stephen Bennett Phillips. Readers, Advisors, and Storefront Churches: Renee Stout a Mid-Career Retrospective. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002. Pinder, Kymberly N. Our Father, God; Our Brother; or Are We Bastard Kin?: Images of Christ in African American Painting. African American Review 31.2 (1997): 223. Prothero, Stephen. Black Moses. Prothero, Stephen. American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Girooux, 2003. 200-228. Stott, Annette. Transformative Triptychs in Multicultural America. Art Journal 57.1 (1998): 55-63. Thompson, Robert Farris. Flash of the Spirit. New York: Vintage Books, 1983. - . Illuminating Spirits: Astonishment and Powere at the National Museum of African Art. African Arts 26.4 (1993): 60-69. Research Papers on The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois†19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionWhere Wild and West MeetRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaPETSTEL analysis of India

Friday, November 22, 2019

Anth week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anth week 3 - Essay Example route as that of the contemporary monkey and apes but instead remained in such islands as Madagascar thus acquiring a new ecological niche of which they adapted to accordingly. As concerns the new world monkeys, they mainly come from such groups as marmosets, Cebidae, Atelidae, and Pithecidae. Another classification of the monkey clades are the Catarrhines that consist of the old world monkey and the apes. The old world monkeys in this case include the Colobinae and Cocopithecinae. During the period of evolution, the primates had to make certain adjustments in order to adapt to such factors that enhance their vision, hand use, locomotion, intelligence, the need to care for their young ones in a social manner. Humans fundamentally use evidence to understand the history of evolution. The evidence in question may be biological or historical in nature where in biology the evidence may include genetics and living organisms. On the other hand, historical evidence consists of paleontology, geology, and paleoanthropology. Since the focus of this paper is paleoanthropology, it is necessary to make use of appropriate geological evidence like fossils to unearth the evolutionary history of the primates. Nevertheless, geological preservation processes have simplified the whole procedure of studying the fossil components of the old primates. Although many scholars agree that the world is old, the history and age of the earth is significant in working out the process and history of evolution using fossils. This is because the old earth has a strong connection to the biological evolution. There are of techniques that paleoanthropologists use to date the fossils that they recover through geological means . These methods include Radiocarbon dating, U-Series, Radio-potassium, Uranium-Lead dating, Argon-Argon dating, and the Reference Geo-chronological Timescale. Actually, the history of paleoanthropology is quite vast ranging from the Neanderthal skullcap that paleoanthropologists

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Green Capitalism and Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Green Capitalism and Leadership - Research Paper Example Industrialism and capitalism only proved that skyscrapers enriched the few but have caused poverty to about 1.2 billion (, 2011). Many nations are complaining poor access to potable water and urban communities are inhaling unhealthy air. Poverty have ill-motivated people to do and adopt measures beyond standards that caused calamities and disasters. World Watched documented about 120,000 people killed and unaccounted millions of people pushed in the margin of displacement, by war or by disasters (, 2011). In Asia, Japan recently suffered the devastation caused by tsunami after a magnitude of earthquake hit them while India and Pakistan complained of hunger and poor access to resources after they experienced political marginalization and floodings respectively. The inability of some government to develop land use plan and to enforce population control forced people to live in flood-prone valleys and vulnerable sites of the hills sides (, 2011; Wo rldWatch, 2011). World Watch also cited that climate change and consequential disasters incurred economic losses of $8.5 billion in Central America in 1998, an amount perceived commensurate to the combined gross national products of Honduras and Nicaragua (WorldWatch, 2011). There were however positive actions that motivated hundred of nations to partake ecological protection and measures for rehabilitation, reconstruction and rebuilding of affected communities. United Nations bodies have also started advocating for the use of renewable energies, organic farming, reforestration, vegetarianism as well as of green policy development (WorldWatch, 2011). It called all diverse nations to take part in healing nature and lessen the impact of global warming. This prospect challenge United... Green economy is an emerging environmental philosophy focused on climate change issues and about green career challenges. Green Economics, as a political framework, provides a holistic context of reality that human beings are part of nature and thus must recognize our difference, diversity, equity and inclusiveness as a community. It debunked the concept of anthropocentrism and liberal capitalism as a system. Its philosophy is founded on managing economy for nature and manage the environment. As a philosophical precept, it thoroughly evaluated the inconsistencies, deficiencies, conventions, and other normative thoughts amongst neo-classical economists. Green economy values ecological foundations and its relations with resources, work, wealth and money. It proposes a discourse that questions the conventional market viz-a-viz ecological sustainability, social justice, and peace. It establish an agenda by examining global political economy; regulating market and the state; and evaluate the transition to an alternative economy with special concern of ensuring habitable planet for the next generations. Profit, prices, market and competition are not regarded in the ecology philosophy. Its basic precept is to meet needs and not to increase powers of the capitalists in the market.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Have Public Schools Adequately Accommodated Religion Essay

Have Public Schools Adequately Accommodated Religion - Essay Example Those of a more liberal approach strictly adhere to the principle laid down in the Constitution for the separation of church and state. They believe it unlawful for schools to promote any one religion but do want the teaching of all religions as a part of the curriculum. This discussion examines the vast difference of opinion regarding religion in public schools including evolution versus creationism, the controversy over prayer in schools, religious observances and the questions of the distribution of religious literature. It will also touch on teaching the subject of religion and explore reasons of why it should be taught and why it is not. The argument supporting the insertion of Christianity into the school system is that this country was formed upon religious principles. For example, on September 17, 1796 George Washington said, â€Å"It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible† (Evans, 2005). The third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, wrote in1781, â€Å"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God?† (Evans, 2005). Jefferson, a well recognized liberal thinker, as well as the entirety of the Founding Fathers, was confident that the U.S. existed only because of the intervention of a divine being, God. They would have fully supported prayer and other Christian teachings in public schools. The Constitution allows for activities involving religion to be practiced in public schools though teachers and administrators are largely unaware of the laws pertaining to the issue. Because of this lack of knowledge, activities such as prayer are banned outright so as to ensure the schools are not violating the law. Public school students do, in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Economic factors that affect the colgate brand

Economic factors that affect the colgate brand The overall economy of the country is showing a stable growth. Therefore this industry is also showing a growth of 10%. But the inflation is growing rapidly which is not a good sign for the new entrants. Change in the interest rate also affects the industry. Hence the new entrants are also threatened by the increasing interest rates. Economic factors do influence the bargaining power of buyers as inflation is the major factor that is affecting the consumers hard. Economic factors do not affect the availability of substitutes. But since inflation is growing, so it is hard for the poor people to switch to more modern products like washing powder, tooth paste. They would rather prefer oil to clean their clothes and use miswak to brush their teeth. Economic factors do have an affect on the bargaining power of suppliers as inflation is rising fast. Suppliers demand that they would provide the necessary raw material at a higher price. Exchange rate fluctuations also affect the cost of raw material. Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff.). Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) STRATEGY 1 STRATEGY 2 Weights AS TAS AS TAS STRENGTHS Market leader in surface care with 90% market share 0.15 Good Leadership 0.06 Employee commitment 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Cooling crystal patent 0.1 Accurate forecast with respect to demand 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14 High EPS 0.08 3 0.24 2 0.16 Strong advertisement and promotional campaign 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 WEAKNESSES IT not used optimally 0.13 4 0.52 2 0.26 No ecommerce 0.1 3 0.3 2 0.26 No proper use of forward integration 0.05 2 0.1 3 0.15 They are not exporting their products to other countries 0.06 1 OPPORTUNITIES Exploring into new categories like shampoo, hand wash , body wash, shower gel 0.14 2 0.28 4 0.56 Rural population switching from miswak to toothpaste 0.06 Gap in tooth brush market 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 Implementation of ERP(SAP) 0.14 4 0.56 2 0.28 People becoming hygiene and beauty conscious 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 No layoffs 0.07 THREATS(T) Raw material and energy prices are increasing 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Inflation in the country 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 Competitors re launching their products 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 Competitors increasing their marketing budgets 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 Unstable law and order conditions. 0.06 1 TOTAL 4.05 3.69 Rivalry among existing competitors Yes (+) No (-) The industry is growing rapidly. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The fixed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ There are significant product differences and brand identities between the competitors. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized skills and facilities or long-term contract commitments etc. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ INTERPRETATION: Threat of competitors is high because the product is not unique as there are no product differences. Same products are available with all competitors like Unilever, Procter and Gamble, Shield, Oral B. Therefore rivalry is also increasing as demand in the economy has also increased for the last 5 to years. Majority of the competitors are MNCs which means that they have the necessary resource and skill (Hiatt, Jeff). Government Factors: Government regulations do have an affect on the rivalry among the competitors. Political factors: Political factors do not affect the rivalry among the competitors Economic factors Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff). Social trends Social trends have changed, buyer are more aware of their purchases. So the players in the industry are always trying hard to increase their market share (Hiatt, Jeff). Technological change Technology is helping the companies to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Also research and development plays an important role in this (Hiatt, Jeff). KEY SUCCESS ACTORS FOR COMPETIVE SUCCESS Low cost production efficiency. CP has plants installed that take only 30 minutes for the plant to shift from the production of one product to the other. High quality manufacturing of products with very few defects. A strong network of wholesale distributors. Gaining ample space on retailer shelves. (Examples Naheed, Aghas, Makro and other small shops.) Attractive packaging and styling. Good length of product lines. Attractive commercials and advertising. Good reputation in the industry along with favorable reputation with buyers. Market penetration Colgate can do market penetration by increasing its advertising, people always associate Colgate with tooth paste and have no awareness that it produces personal and surface care products as well. They should show their logo on all its products so that people know the producers and this will increase customer loyalty and also when people will come to know that Colgate is the producer then new customers will also buy the product (Hiatt, Jeff). They should also increase their promotion efforts by going to school and doing health awareness programs, also they should go to residential areas and make women aware of their surface care and fabric care products such as max, bonus and express etc Product development: Colgate can also do product development by introducing new features in their already existing brands. They can improve their tooth brush quality and features by introducing flexi tooth brushes for special oral care. Also they can introduce whitening features in their feature in their tooth paste; different colors of tooth paste can also be introduced to attract the kinds market. In their fabric care they can introduce in special features of protecting the color of the cloth while washing and also whitening enhancing surfs to give a good shine to while clothes (Hiatt, Jeff). develop systems to involve appropriate stakeholders in the introduction of change SIX THINGS REQUIRED TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENTING A STRATEGY According to Porter, to implement a strategy effectively six things should be followed: Create a formal plan: Distributor Quantity Item Price Negotiation, Inventory Reporting, Stock Details, Payment Terms HR Module Inventory / Store Create a multifunctional team: To effectively implement ERP, Colgate must first hire an independent resource firm. Acquire licensing for SAP Implementation. Establish an independent IT unit for the monitoring of ERP. This department will coordinate with all the other departments (Robbins S, Mukerji). Communication of strategy: inside and outside: All employees in the company should be made aware of the new automated system. Each employee must be provided a minimal insight of SAP but those employees who have to work on SAP the most should ofcourse be provided with proper training course of SAP. These include: Factory Manager Manager accounts Warehouse Manager Distribution team Consumer insight department Outside the company the strategy to implement ERP should be communicated properly to all the local and foreign suppliers of Colgate Palmolive (Hagberg). Consistency over time: As Information Technology is progressing day by day, new changes in ERP are expected after certain time periods. Therefore it would become very important for Colgate to cope up with the changes in the software. For this purpose it would need to update it employees by providing training whenever any change takes place in SAP (Hagberg). Use proper measurements: Other measures, not just financial measures would be required to test whether the system is working properly. These measures include: Whether the system is accurately forecasting demand, sales, price changes Whether or not there are any deviations in the actual versus projected sales Effectiveness of the internal processes after the strategy implementation (Robbins S, Mukerji). Test the strategy: Ask employees and senior management in all departments whether they are satisfied with the new system of working. Talk to suppliers and distributors whether they want any more improvements in the new system of working (Hagberg). KEY DRIVING FORCES Industry growth: Now most of the people have knowledge about the different products and its advantages. The intense competition in industry and high demand enables the new entrants to compete in this market (Hagberg). Product innovation: Innovation in product, as Colgate has just introduced Max fresh in which the coolant crystals are present which none of the competitors has adopted yet. There is also room in innovation in washing detergents (Hagberg). Changing societal concerns, attitudes and lifestyle: Since social issues are really effecting the use of product just like the use of Miswak which is the Islamic mode of cleaning the teeth (Hagberg). Use of E-commerce and Internet: Usage of online ordering and maintaining the stock level through e-commerce can be driving force in the industry. By using that they can provide products to customer which is value addition for them (Hagberg). This report is purely based on the finding from the Colgate expert and the secondary data analysis, and the reason for writing the whole report is to find the obstacle / hindrance a business men face and how the organization can minimize it through implementing the different strategies and analysis. The whole report research draws attention to  the fact that any problem can be eliminate if proper investigation and consideration can be observed the success is easy to get, Pakistan market is mature market and the competition is tough here because most of the customer is price conscious and act like butterflies, so targeting this kind of customer is quite difficult, but on the other hand it can be managed if the you can understand the market effectively and efficiently (Robbins S, Mukerji). Hiatt, Jeff. HYPERLINK definition and history of change managementHYPERLINK Filicetti, John (August 20, 2007). HYPERLINK Management DictionaryHYPERLINK Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, , R. Ph.D. Heifetz, D.Ph., 2000 (accessed 4 April, 2001), Corporate HagbergCulture/Organisational Culture: UnderJerryding and Assessment, Robbins S, Mukerji D (1994). Managing organisations. Prentice Hall of Australia, McPhersons Printing Group, Australia. Sergiovanni, T.J. (1984) Educational Leadership, Leadership and excellence in schooling, Volume 41, Number 5, United States of America, page 4-13 Kent State University 2000 (accessed 28thMarch, 2001), Kent State University Cultural Self-Study Internal Communication of Change By Dagmar Recklies Circling the Pyramid Building Lasting Commitment to Change  Ã‚   (pdf-file) by Edmond Mellina What Makes a Good Change Agent? by Dagmar Recklies The Role of the Change Master From Change Agent to HYPERLINK Master.htmHYPERLINK Master.htmChange MasterHYPERLINK Master.htm By Ruth Tearle Managing Change Definition and Phases in Change Processes by Oliver Recklies Problems in Managing Change by Oliver Recklies provides a downloadable PDF of change management best practices. Fred Nickols wrote HYPERLINK Management 101: A Primer.HYPERLINK provides resources on handling change management following a CRM upgrade. Neglecting your change control process can kill an IT disaster recovery plan.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Psycho Lady of Flight 735 :: Personal Narratives

The Psycho Lady of Flight 735 Back in summer of summer of ’99, my mom, Judy, my dad, Dale, my brother, Brian and me, Michelle, took a vacation to California. Our trip was awesome! We went to Disneyland, Universal Studios and all those other tourist attractions. Everything was great until we got to the Los Angeles International Airport to fly home, on my very first plane ride ever! When we got there, we looked on the screen to see if our flight was still running on schedule, but to our surprise, our flight was boarding! My dad then screamed, "Let’s move it!" We sprinted through the airport to the terminal. I was struggling because I had three bags filled to the brim, since I’m a very heavy packer. Finally we reached the terminal and we were ready to check-in and board. My dad handed our tickets to the hostess, but she gave us a confused look, "Sorry Mr. Snover, we just closed the doors to board this flight. You will need to book another flight at a later time." We were all disappointed and wouldn’t take no for an answer, so after a little arguing and convincing, she gave in. She did tell us that our seats got separated, but we all could deal with that. We got to our seats and sat down to finally relax. Of course, I, the very unlucky one, got stuck beside a very large woman. Not to be rude or anything, but she took all of her seat and half of mine and had the worst body odor I have ever smelled! It was so bad I actually started to gag. I thought to myself, "Could this possibly get any worse?!" Yes, yes it could! The flight was going as good as it could get at that point, until I looked up from my book and saw all the flight attendants’ faces and their little side conversations. They all had very scared looks on their faces, as if they all saw a ghost or something. Something was wrong and I grew a little worried. I got really frightened when I saw the co-pilot run back through the plane. A few minutes later, the pilot ran to the back too! Now, I was terrified. I thought two things, "What the heck is going on, and who the heck is flying the plane?" All of a sudden, a flight attendant came over the loud speaker and said with a very shaky voice, "Attention all passengers, we need to make an emergency landing in Denver, Colorado.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Significant Moment

I sighed and leaned back into my seat. It made a squeaky noise. I had just been given as assignment where I needed to write about a person who had made a great influence in my life. As I sat silently and listened in my seat, my mind went racing to the past, searching for ideas and digging up precious memories. It had been years since I looked back at those memories but I still remember them. By the end of class that day, I had already decided on whom to write about. I remember that momentous time in my life like it was yesterday. Two years ago on a hot Wednesday afternoon on the month of August, as I was walking home from school, I kept replaying the earlier events of the day in my mind. I was not having a good day. That day during speech class, I failed my first oral presentation. I either could not stop stuttering or talked extremely fast. I was so nervous it felt as if my gut was about to turn itself inside out. Instead of trying to finish my speech, I went back to my seat and glued my head to my desk for the rest of the day. I was utterly convinced that I just couldn’t do it. It took me about at least thirty minutes to get home. By the time I arrived, I was covered in sweat and despite my exhaustion, I was also stressing about possible ways to make up for my last failure. I tried to shake away the thought as I pushed open the front door. Instantly, I knew that my grandfather was in the kitchen. The cool air that was being dispersed by the ceiling fan was mixed the sweet, soothing aroma of my grandfather’s home-made pancakes and freshly brewed coffee. As much as I wanted some of those delicious pancakes, I wanted more to just lock myself in my room and bury my head in my pillow. I attempted to tiptoe through the living room pass the kitchen and run to my room but he greeted me with a voice so understanding that I found myself seated at the kitchen table without even thinking about it. After he had set the pancakes on the table, he pulled up a chair across me, sat down and put his eyeglasses on. For a man of his age, he always seemed younger than he really is. He wore his usual clothing, the kind he wears on hot days. His Hawaiian shirt would always have the first three buttons unbuttoned. Along with that, he had on his favorite pair of white shorts. Sometimes, I even wonder if he had been a surfer. He took a sip from his coffee mug and went back to his puzzle book. I took advantage of the silent moment to eat a few pancakes. I hated disappointing him so I decided not to tell him about speech class. After I hastily stuffed myself with eight delicious pancakes and two glasses of iced tea, I stood up slowly making an effort to leave. However, a single question came from him asking if something was wrong made me want to tell him everything not because I expected him to tell me it was ok, but because I felt guilty not telling him. His voice was also so promising that I knew that he would understand. I sat down in the chair I sat in earlier so that I faced him. After taking four deep, cleansing breaths and centered myself, I told him everything. He was a great listener. Throughout the course of my explanation, he eventually nodded and sometimes responded with â€Å"I understand. After I had told him everything, I held my breath and waited for his response. He was quiet for what seemed like a very long time. My forehead started beading up with sweat. I was afraid he might scold me for being nervous in front of a class of only fifteen students. I was also worried about what he might say about my latest â€Å"F† that I received because of my lack of confidence in myself. I was on the verge of panic when he fina lly spoke. I was surprised when he laughed. He literally laughed as if I had told him a very funny joke. Instead of getting angry or disappointed, he patted me on the shoulder and smiled at me reassuringly. He held my hand and told me that I reminded him of himself when he was young. He went through similar situations. It was almost impossible for me to believe that. How can he, the first speaker of the Federated States of Micronesia and the senior pastor of our church, who always touched the hearts of many through simple words, have the same issues as I? He told me that every time he gave a speech or a message, he was always nervous. He told me that no matter how nervous he felt or how much he believed he couldn’t do it, he would always try again. He gave it his all. He kept doing it until he overcame his lack of confidence. No matter how much he wanted to give up, he just kept pushing until he had full faith and trust in himself. Hearing this, especially from him, whom I respect the most, I promised myself that I will always be persistent in all that I do and try my best to gain self-confidence. His words motivated me and made me see that I already had the persistence and the confidence that I needed. All I needed to do was believe I could do it. Looking back to that significant moment in my life, I realized that without the encouragement given to me by my grandfather, I do not think I would be as confident and as persistent as I am today. That day he had helped me become more persistent and more confident. That moment will always be forever branded into my memories as one of the most precious ones. Even though the time we spent talking was for a small amount of time, it made a big difference in my life. I am thankful for having B****** H**** as my mentor and most importantly, as my grandfather.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reading Reflection Essays

Reading Reflection Essays Reading Reflection Essay Reading Reflection Essay Reading Reflection Barbara Morales ENG125 – Introduction to Literature Professor Sarah Ross December 5, 2011 What peaked my interest in this story is the title â€Å"The Welcome Table†. In essence it should be titled â€Å"The Unwelcome Table† because of its profound examples of racism, poverty, and unfair judgment and treatment; in short, man’s inhumanity to man. This short story is a prime example of hypocrisy, intolerance, and unchristian like behavior while in God’s house. An old, black woman walked from her home to an all-white church to worship and was turned away with cruel words and physical ousting by two big, burly men. This ill treatment by the â€Å"Christians† did not deter or discourage her from praising the Lord. The entire congregation was guilty of the same crime because they all felt the same way. There was no judgment or correction of each other because they all thought alike. Even the spiritual leader of the church gave a poor, unforgiving example to the congregation and they all followed suit. She was not worthy to be seen past her shabby clothing, her work worn hands, her aged body, her tattered stained clothing, her greasy scarf, and her scuffed shoes. They did not see past her external, soiled trappings to her internal childlike, unconditional love of God’s righteousness, and her right to worship him. After being thrown out of church, she continued on her way until she saw Jesus walking towards her. He looked at her lovingly and said â€Å"follow me†. This proved that Jesus is everywhere not just in church. Alice Walker’s â€Å"The Welcome Table†, is written from an omniscient point of view because Alice Walker is not a character in the book but she did know and understand the feelings of the characters in the story (Clugston, 2010). Walker’s writing contained many examples of Similes and Metaphors. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and he walked with sure even steps in her direction, as if he were walking on the sea†. â€Å" the skin ashen but durable, like the bark of old pines†. â€Å"There was a sad but joyful look to his face, like a candle was glowing behind it†. (Clugston, 2010). The use of irony is visible in the following excerpt from â€Å"The Welcome Table†: â€Å"The protection and promise of God’s impartial love† (Clugston 2010). Through the congregations’ negative behavior toward the old woman, the congregation proved that they did not practice what He preached. Alice Walker uses a biographical/historical approach in her writings. She had firsthand knowledge of the struggles of black people of the South who experienced the lack of basic human rights. They lived racism, segregation, sexism, poverty, and social and economic injustice. In her writings she wrote about her life experiences and the lack of equality and the prevalence of racial injustice. She brought awareness to people of other parts of the country to the plight of the poor and forgotten and stressed the need for radical change in our society. The Civil Rights March of the 60’s, led by Dr. Martin Luther King had a profound, life-changing impact on Alice Walker’s life which is evident in her writings. Her writings reflect her life as an educator, civil rights worker, advocate and mentor. She understood the importance of power in numbers. The organized protests of the people and by the people gave to the people the inalienable rights guaranteed to all under the Constitution of the United States of America. By their actions they strengthened their demands for equality for all in the land. Change was imminent. While collaborating through her efforts in registering and encouraging people to vote, she met and married a Jewish, Civil Rights Lawyer named Melvyn Leventhal. Her writings have surpassed color lines and made us aware that we are all members of the human race. There is no superior color and we are all members of the human race. Interestingly enough, the Alice Walker book â€Å"Color Purple† brought much criticism from many black male scholars. They felt she depicted an unfair image of black men. They took offense at her portrayal of black men who treated their wives as chattel and unworthy, second class citizens. In the end of her stories, women all got their retribution. She experienced negativity from many in society and sadly also within her own race and culture. References Clugston, W. R. , (2010). Journey Into Literature. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Alice Walkers Love Stories. The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart by Alice Walker. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, No. 31 (Spring, 2001), pp. 132-133.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Hearing Loss

, 6 infants out of 1,000 will have a hearing loss in a least one ear that will affect communication, cognition, and educational development. Twenty to thirty percent of hearing loss in children occurs during infancy and early childhood. Some children will suffer hearing loss in one ear or possibly both. There are different types of hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss occurs in the middle ear. This is where three small bones involved in hearing are located. A hearing loss that occurs in this part of the ear is usually temporary. Chronic or recurrent ear infections may cause a hearing loss in the middle ear. There are cases where there is a malformation in this area that can be improved or corrected through surgery. There are occasions when a problem in the middle ear cannot be corrected. A sensori-neural hearing loss occurs in the middle ear and indicates that there is nerve damage. This type of loss is not reversible. There are different natures of hearing loss some that can be corrected or others that are irreversible. Parents sometimes ask, â€Å"Why did this happen to my child?† In some cases, the cause of a child’s hearing loss may be easy to trace. There may be a family history of deafness, a congenital condition, an illness, an accident, a prescribed medication that may be the cause of hearing loss. In many cases, there may be no obvious reason for the hearing loss. Parents must come to ... Free Essays on Hearing Loss Free Essays on Hearing Loss This paper is based on a disability that many Americans have, hearing loss. The nature, causality, assessment, prevention, and accommodation are things that will be discussed. This paper will also discuss some of my personal experiences of hearing loss through experiences my friend has encountered. According to Gallaudet University, approximately 1 of every 1,000 infants is born deaf while 6 of every 1,000 are born with some degree of hearing loss. Permanent hearing loss at birth annually affects 24,000 infants in the USA. In other words, 6 infants out of 1,000 will have a hearing loss in a least one ear that will affect communication, cognition, and educational development. Twenty to thirty percent of hearing loss in children occurs during infancy and early childhood. Some children will suffer hearing loss in one ear or possibly both. There are different types of hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss occurs in the middle ear. This is where three small bones involved in hearing are located. A hearing loss that occurs in this part of the ear is usually temporary. Chronic or recurrent ear infections may cause a hearing loss in the middle ear. There are cases where there is a malformation in this area that can be improved or corrected through surgery. There are occasions when a problem in the middle ear cannot be corrected. A sensori-neural hearing loss occurs in the middle ear and indicates that there is nerve damage. This type of loss is not reversible. There are different natures of hearing loss some that can be corrected or others that are irreversible. Parents sometimes ask, â€Å"Why did this happen to my child?† In some cases, the cause of a child’s hearing loss may be easy to trace. There may be a family history of deafness, a congenital condition, an illness, an accident, a prescribed medication that may be the cause of hearing loss. In many cases, there may be no obvious reason for the hearing loss. Parents must come to ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Strategy of international Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 1

Strategy of international Business - Assignment Example The competition analysis indicates that the firm may not have to face any severe competition in the industry which in turn can prove to be lucrative for the firm. Depending on these analyses, the company will devise its market entry strategy that will allow it to have access to the desired customer base and create the desired brand image. The internationalization of the business activities will also be based on creating a perfect product fit for the market, which in turn will help the company to meet the ongoing needs of the customers. Entering into a new market requires a thorough market research and an effective market entry strategy for the company which is seeking forward to expand in the host market. Internationalization is one of the most effective ways of expanding one’s business as it offers a larger customer base and a different market environment which may prove to be lucrative for the company (Lee and Carter, 2011). The advent of globalization has made it easier for the firms to expand its business to overseas locations. This as a result has attracted several companies to expand its business to foreign countries, in a hope that the company will be able to maintain a sustainable growth. This paper is based on the market entry strategies of All Communication LLC in the Indian market. It will discuss about the right market fit of the products and services offered by the company in the host market. All Communication LLC is a networking company which is an authorized dealer of Dishnetwork, Directv and several other companies like Sony, Onkyo, Sonos and Sanus (All Communications, 2015). The company was established in the year 2010 in Miami. It offers several networking and satellite communication services and equipments and caters to both business customers and end users. All Communications is best known for its quality assurance and dedication. The rapid

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Marketing Research - Essay Example Because of this influence, the demand for such products increases manifold and the retailers can benefit from enhanced volumes of sales. They may also become capable of assessing the market trends and can offer valuable feedback to supplier and manufactures to modify or amend their marketing strategies. Thus it can be stated that endorsement by celebrities can have a strong impact on products and create a healthy demand that in turn will raise sales volumes resulting in increased profits for the retailers. â€Å"Celebrity marketing is also a valuable way to build instant name recognition, attaching yourself to a person who is well-known to achieve awareness that otherwise might have taken years of marketing.†1 Marketing Research is a scientific search for information especially in the areas related to functions of marketing. Marketing research as a separate department can be a source of valuable help to management’s decision making process. Today, the dynamic markets require numerous middlemen between producer and consumer. Each middleman provides flow of communication regarding consumer needs and dealer needs to the manufacturer. To evaluate and understand the size and specialization within the business unit and to determine the intervention of numerous middlemen between producer and consumer a company needs proper marketing research. In this context marketing research plays a very important role in the modern marketing system. Accurate information is a core factor in successful marketing research. There are two types of methods employed in data collection: primary data collection and secondary data collection. Primary data collection is facilitated by collecting information direc tly from the source. There are many tools used like observation, direct interview, telephone interview, mail survey, projective technique, etc used in primary data collection. Interview is